Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Respond to Quote

Darwin once said: "I always make special notes about evidence that contradicts me: supportive evidence I can remember without trying!" Please make a statement regarding this quote. Then read the statements of your peers and comment on one response from someone else.


  1. This quote really stresses the idea of utilizing opposing viewpoints as a means to further expand your knowledge. When provided with an opinion that is opposite of yours, you are given an alternate way to see a certain statement, therefore forcing you to further consider your viewpoint and perhaps expand on your initial opinion.

    1. I see the quote exactly as you explained here. I think you wrote this very well and accurately. Our interpretations are very similar and I completely agree with your analysis.

  2. This quote discusses how important it is for people to take note of things that contradict what they believe. Darwin explains that it is extremely easy for him to remember things that people say that agree with his opinion, and not as important to take note. It is more challenging for him to accept opinions that challenge his own, but he takes the time and effort to attempt to remember them, so he can improve himself and expand his knowledge.

    1. I think your explanation of the second part of the quote was well-written and completely true. Also, I think the idea that criticism is much easier to remember, but much more difficult to accept, but so very useful is true in all situations.

  3. In this quote, Darwin says that it is more important to pay attention to information that goes against what you are trying to prove than information that supports it. This is important because by being familiar with the opposing viewpoint and contradictions, you can try to disprove them, ultimately adding more data to your conclusion and strengthening your argument.

    1. I agree with your point that by considering contradictory opinions when composing an argument ultimately makes your argument stronger.

  4. Oftentimes, information that seems to reject your current beliefs can lead you to new, more advanced, and more accurate theories. Take the Michelson-Morley experiment, for example: when the experiment gave a null result (it was originally created to detect the presence of an ether, or hypothetical medium through which light traveled, but found no evidence for one), Lorentz expanded classical Newtonian mechanics through the addition of what is known today as a Lorentz contraction, and Einstein finally explained this bizarre phenomenon that contradicted Newtonian mechanics with his theory of special relativity. Had Lorentz not paid attention to the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment, and had he not sought to account for this null result, today we could be hopelessly lost while examining high-energy particle collisions! Thankfully, Lorentz followed Darwin's advice.

    1. Enric brings up a good point, in that when one merely accepts all facts previously laid out for him, it may be useless. Instead, reexamining information previously assumed correct can lead to new discoveries as well.

  5. Finding supportive evidence, as Darwin says, is memorable and a high point as you believe you have succeeded. However, Darwin states that he makes an effort to remember the evidence that contradicts him. No one likes to be contradicted, but, though counterintuitive, contradicting evidence can be eye-opening in many ways. It opens your eyes in that you are forced to think in alternate ways to arrive at a new hypothesis, if we're strictly talking science. But this can also apply to real world situations. Don't give up when there's evidence contradicting you. Rather, take note of it as Darwin said and explore new perspectives and learn.

    1. I totally agree with this statement. Instead of giving up or ignoring any evidence that contradicts yourself, use the contradictions to your benefit. Challenge yourself by exploring the contradiction and thus learning more about the topic-you'll most likely learn something new. Taking advantage of this opportunity can be much more beneficial than one would think.

    2. Well put. I especially agree with the idea that Darwin's advice should be followed in any discipline - science or not.

  6. This quote tells us how easy it is to remember something that has been proved correct, when it is much harder to remember what doesn't seem as important, and that is the information that contradicts. It is good to make note of this type of information so that when scientists in the future look at your work they will see the contradiction information which could possibly simplify their experiment so they don't have the same contradicting statement.

  7. This quote by Darwin on the null hypothesis emphasizes the importance of finding evidence that supports your theory. What is interesting is that Darwin makes note of evidence that does not support his theory rather than supporting evidence- this way it can be made sure that the supporting evidence is strong enough to override the contradicting evidence. Also, knowing evidence that is opposite to what you believe is just as important as your evidence, because then you are able to look at one topic as a whole; all viewpoints attached.

    1. I agree a lot with your comment. Contradicting evidence is extremely important to investigate the experiment even more and test to what limits the hypothesis is true, however, I believe that the scientist should not only focus his efforts on the contradicting evidence. If a hypothesis has a lot of supporting evidence and one solitary piece of contradicting evidence, then the hypothesis should be considered to have more truth than the solitary evidence.

    2. I think you make a good point on how knowing the opposing evidence is just as important as your own. By knowing all viewpoints, you are able to construct a stronger argument. I agree with your interpretation and analysis.

  8. How can we possibly see the whole picture of a problem if we don’t look at it from different points of views? It is easy to remember all the evidence that supports your hypothesis because the outcome ends up being what you initially thought. However, if you’re so sure that your hypothesis will support the evidence, it may be more difficult to change your point of view while analyzing evidence that rejects your initial thoughts. That is why it is so essential to focus on the evidence that may contradict your hypothesis. This way it will be easier to understand why the evidence rejects your hypothesis.

    1. I really like the way you put that. Most comments focused more on the first part of the quote, saying that you can learn the most by looking at the things from an opposing viewpoint, which relates back to making a null hypothesis. You, on the other hand, also talked about the second part of the quote, where Darwin talks about remembering the evidence that supports his claim and the fact that you could totally miss/forget contradicting evidence if you only focus on the supportive evidence.

    2. I was going to say that too!! Well the fact that I like the way you put it Harmony. The part that caught my attention was seeing the "whole picture of a problem" as you put it. It's so easy to forget the other side of a problem and that may prove to be a hindrance in future tests. I also like how you turned it around, saying the hypothesis supporting the evidence. It goes to show how we can easily be blinded, and again, that will affect the thoroughness of whatever you're doing.

    3. The way you compared Darwin's idea to seeing the whole picture really works to show that often times you need opposing viewpoints in order to clearly approach a problem.

    4. I completely agree with your opinion. Rather than adhering to one's opinion and not taking conflicting viewpoints and evidence into account, seeing the full picture requires everything to be taken into account.

  9. This quote shows the importance of counter examples for a hypothesis as they are just as important to note as those that support it. As importance as it is to gather evidence that support's one's hypothesis, it is just as important to account for evidence that rejects it. In my opinion, a hypothesis that takes note of and accounts for evidence or ideas that reject it is stronger than one that completely avoids anything that could undermine its credibility.

    1. This was well said- what I really liked was your finishing thoughts about this quote. I agree, a researcher that takes into account the evidence/ideas that do not support the hypothesis creates a stronger 'experimental outcome'. To eventually reach the 'true' conclusion of the experiment, one must go beyond his/her hypothesis to experiment with ideas that have not been tested.
      To add on- the second part of the quote stood out to me. Supportive evidence at times is expected, giving one reason to remember it without trying. To have a contradictory outcome in the experiment reveals the point that not all possibilities were taken into account.

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  11. This quote discusses the way in which scientists view their own work as well as that of others. In order to be successful in any field of study, being able to accept the opinions of others (even if they're contradicting those of yours), is a very important quality to have. Darwin makes the point of saying that although it is very easy to agree with those who have the same opinions as him, he must also make sure to take note of those who disagree with him so he can better himself.

    1. I agree with your viewpoint on this quote, in order to be successful in the field of science one needs to take into consideration the view points of others in order to be sure that their hypothesis is as strong as it can be.

  12. According to Darwin, contradicting evidence to a hypothesis is crucial to further explore the limits to which it is accurate, and what other possible outcomes it could have. When contradicting evidence is found, one is then encouraged to further investigate the experiment to resolve why the contradicting evidence exists, which finally leads to a fuller and broader experiment. At the end, maybe even a new or more revised conclusion on the result/outcome could arise.

    1. I think you make an excellent point on how scientists handle the contradicting evidence. Instead of simply giving up, a scientist will investigate the reasons behind the data, thus continuing their experiment.

  13. Progress is defined as forward movement: of identifying new ideas, and changing or even completely discarding old ones to accommodate new discoveries. As a result, Darwin's observation is the mark of a forward-thinking mind, knowing that one day even his ideas will be modified, and to remain objective towards new and perhaps contradictory ideas may in fact benefit one's own.

    1. I really like how you took the quote and connected it to Darwin's way of advanced thinking. This is something I hadn't thought of, but now it makes a lot of sense to me. You took the quote as a whole and rather than discussing Darwins specific beliefs, you applied it to the type of thinker he is in general. I really like the way you commented on this quote.

    2. I completely agree that it is those with a "forward-thinking mind" like Darwin that are able to adapt and be successful. They are the ones who understand that progress happens by using complications and contradictions (seemingly setbacks) to their advantage.

    3. I like that you looked at the long term implications of Darwin's philosophy and not just the short term. I think it's important for even the greatest scientists to recognize that their work is often a stepping stone on the path of progress, not the end goal itself.

  14. When Darwin encounters evidence that contradicts his own, he becomes more intrigued in the topic. Having been a man whose life was devoted to education and knowledge, Darwin embraces the contradictions of his findings rather than shunning them. In other words, he recognizes the opportunity to further engage intellectually in the topic, rather than stubbornly ignoring any finding that is not his own. The notion that Darwin made to further investigate his initial findings makes the contradiction more memorable for him and thus he can "remember without trying".

    1. You make a very good point here, most scientist do, in fact shun their contradictions. I also find it interesting that you are saying that writing his contradictions helps him "remember without trying". It didn't occur to me that that would be a reason why he would write them down.

    2. Good point about incentive through collaboration. Working and feeding off the work of others for your own through trading of ideas can be really helpful.

  15. Naturally, you will encounter evidence or viewpoints that will contradict your belief, your expectation, and often times, what you want to see. From this contradiction, you can either dismiss that contradiction or "take note" of it in an attempt to understand it further. Granted, people like it significantly more (pride, confidence, feels good) when people agree with their findings, which is probably why they are more inclined to remember it. At that same time, that does not mean neglecting contrary evidence is in their best interest. Essentially, if you are constantly focused on one side of the situation or one expected result, you then are only looking at the issue in a vacuum. As a scientist, in particular, it is important to understand all sides of a situation as nothing every functions alone. By looking to the other side, you not only gain a deeper insight on your own findings (have the opportunity to assess its validity, accuracy), you also open up the opportunity for more questions and answers about the subject itself. Only by doing so can you gain a holistic and deep understanding.

    1. Very well written! I enjoyed the whole philosophical aspect where humans are more inclined to hear positive feedback. It is important to consider all viewpoints for it may create an even more advanced experiment. All in all, I agree with your reflection completely.

  16. It's what you don't get correct that evokes thought or revision, not evidence that supports your personal theory or hypothesis. Of course, you are more likely to remember those ideas that concur with yours, but the actual significance of your work comes when all (or majority of) scientists agree. Contradicting evidence promotes thought and gives a scientist the opportunity to go back, edit/revise the procedure, fix their mistakes, or just perform the lab or experiment over again to establish data that either supports or rejects what they initially concluded. If it was just as easy as performing a test in the lab once and having a theory named after you or even creating an anecdote or medication after one experiment, several of us would not be here today! Science and biology are about contributing to the massive team of researchers and coming to a consensus about what works and what doesn't. Collaboration from several experiments and tests, all which support each other is imperative to biological advancement. I believe that Darwin aimed to focus on improvements to his work, and only contradicting evidence led him to question his research and revise it. After all, the point of science is to collaborate and form a team to promote advancements in medications and biological discoveries.

    1. I agree with your opinion that it is important to have a majority of the scientific community in agreement concerning a theory, just as I agree that finding contradicting material can, in the end, actually help strengthen an idea.

    2. What you said about scientific advancements being an accumulation of ideas is very true and important. If nobody brought to attention the things that are possibly wrong with an experiment, we would not be nearly as effective and a good amount of our conclusions would be wrong or at least incomplete.

  17. I think this quote shows just how important it is to recognize that there is more than one possible explanation for anything a scientist will encounter, and how valuable in any scientific it is to have to have the ability to admit one's error. Darwin is stressing the importance of not denying other viewpoints to try and further your own hypothesis, despite any possible evidence to the contrary, because if one is willing to change their own ideas in the face of an alternate explanation, their investigation will be much more thorough and in-depth than if the possibility of a mistake isn't acknowledged at all.

    1. I agree with Alex's response. As he says, viewing the work of other scientists as just important as your own can add further depth and understanding to the subject. Being stubborn with your ideas can hinder the overall understanding of the subject if a mistake is left undisputed.

  18. This quote shows that while finding data that supports your own is exciting, understanding and taking into account the data that contradicts yours is equally important. The flow of new ideas in science is stemmed if all dissenting data is ignored. This quote exemplifies the importance of viewing both contradictory and supportive evidence in equal light in order to revise and likely improve your hypothesis.

    1. I agree with this, John! Like you said, I think both the contradictory and supportive evidence should be taken into account in order to develop the experiment further.

  19. Darwin is trying to stress the importance of contradictory evidence to the progress of science. Without different explanations and theories, there would be no progression in any field of science. For example, when the "faster-than-light" particle came out a few years ago, many scientists doubted it. The particle would have to break the laws of physics and there was a lot of contradictory evidence. So, the scientists went back and redid the experiment only to find they had made an error. While the scientists were wrong, their error led way to some theoretical speculation. But further, this quote reminds people that as scientists, one must have an open mind. Science is not a personal gain, but a gain for all. Contradictory evidence should be used as a tool for increasing knowledge and expanding ideas.

    1. I really liked the connection you made to events that have happened in recent years, because it shows the relevance and importance of Darwin's words even in today's society. If those scientists had instead refused to consider that they might have erred, much of the beneficial speculation and proposals of new ideas that resulted may not have come about, which further shows that being willing to second-guess yourself can have positive effects.

    2. I agree with sarah in science it is important to look for and find contradictory evidence to an experiment if it is present after extensive searching. By taking note of the contradictions scientists can look for and find a solution to the problem and correct the theory. By keeping and open mind and taking in outside feedback scientist can use the contradictory evidence to find the right solution and make a gain in knowledge for all.

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  21. In this quote, Darwin states that by using opposing evidence to expand his knowledge, it benefits his viewpoint to be able to disprove contradictions, ultimately adding more support to his argument. By considering other evidence, he is challenging himself to gain more knowledge about a topic. I think it's interesting how accepting Darwin is on others contracting his evidence. I think by Darwin accepting others viewpoints, it allowed him to grow as a scientist and discover new things.

    1. I absolutely agree. I think that there is so much to learn from evidence that disproves a person’s hypotheses. It pushes the discoverer to explore different thoughts and ideas. Darwin’s ability to stay open minded as a scientist helped him make the discoveries that he is so famous for.

  22. Darwin's idea above reminds me of a similar idea: expecting the unexpected. Expect to be proven wrong (in some capacity) at one point or another; what you determine "true" today can (probably) either be further developed into a clearer, more detailed idea or theory, or have components of which are eventually deemed untrue. This process starts with looking at contradictory evidence that arises, but not ignoring the supportive evidence. All of the evidence is important, and all can be used to further develop the idea that you are exploring.

    1. I totally agree. It's always important to see things from a different perspective.

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  24. This quote states that contradictory evidence is just as important to refining a hypothesis and forming a theory as finding supporting evidence is. Contradictory evidence helps uncover new facets to a question and broaden out a hypothesis; ignoring that evidence can obscure parts of the problem being addressed and, in the future, hinder discovering the entire truth behind of a question.

    1. I really like this because it helps explain the concept of a null hypothesis and its importance. This helps to show how a null hypothesis can open new ideas along with helping to provide more evidence for an experiment

  25. The quote explains how sometimes proving your hypothesis incorrect can, in the end, be more beneficial that proving it correct. The evidence that disproves a claim can often push the discoverer to really dive into the the content and maybe search out areas that he or she may not have otherwise. Darwin is emphasizing that it is good to prove a hypothesis correct, but sometimes disproving it can be even better because it gives that person the chance to really learn.

    1. I completely agree. A theory isn't completely investigated until there has been some sort of contradiction along the way. These counterexamples help tweak the theories so they become more comprehensive and allow for a greater depth of understanding science.

  26. Darwin is trying to say in this quote that finding supportive evidence for a theory is great but also find the contradictory evidence is of equal importance. It allow for the theory to be tested more so that the true answer can be found. By not taking note of contradictory evidence scientific knowledge cannot expand and benefit form new ideas. Having an open mind allows scientists to take in all aspects surrounding their theory to expand upon it knowing the supportive and contradictory evidence of it. supportive evidence should not be the only tool of a scientist but also contradictor evidence so they can use them to find the correct theory.

  27. This quote shows the importance of counterexamples to further improve one's own experiments. They provide an opportunity for the experimenter to revise his/her experiment to come to new conclusions. It is these contradictions that lead to better understanding and further advancement in all fields of science. These contradictory conclusions force the experimenter to ask more questions and come to a deeper understanding about the subject at hand.

    1. I agree with this statement because it is important to consider all arguments - including ones that contradict your own. As Jai mentioned, revising the experiment for a stronger conclusion is imperative for an accurate overall understanding.

    2. Great points, I'd like to add peer-reviewal is also part of the scientific process, where other scientists also try to verify each others' findings. Contradictory conclusions help not only the experimenter, but also the entire scientific community by double or triple-checking scientific work to validate findings.

  28. Science is a field that not only applies to the scientists, but to society itself. Thus, as a whole we need to strive to collaborate ideas and thoughts to create a more advanced and understanding future. Darwin emphasizes the importance of acceptance, whether it be positive or negative. Consider contradicting statements as a benefactor to the experiment itself. Although it is much more difficult to accept, it will allow a scientist to reevaluate their experiment in a new perspective. However, the purpose of an experiment is not to wait eagerly for contradicting statements and criticism. Rather, it is to effectively work together towards a discovery.

    1. I like how you relate the quote (which could be taken as a quote only applicable in the scientific world) to everyday life and society in general. I agree, it is sometimes difficult to accept other opinions, but this allows scientist to see their experiment in a new light, which could definitely be a good thing.

  29. Darwin's quote supports the idea that even data that does not line up with one's hypothesis is important in scientific experimentation. Incongruent data is not "bad" data at all, in fact, this kind of data is more thought provoking because it challenges the educated guess one would make. Of course it is easy to remember data that lines up because it is as expected, but it is the contradictory data that will lead down new and unexpected paths of discovery.

    1. I like how you mentioned how all data is important; even when it may not support a hypothesis.

    2. I agree that contradictory evidence does not necessarily make an experiment a failure. Sometimes, by accident, scientists can make a new and successful discovery.

  30. In scientific experimentation, discovering what is wrong or not supported can often times help you learn more about the subject than when you observe what is right. Two heads are better than one is a cliché, but it is absolutely true, collaboration is critical to success in science.

  31. Darwin is basically saying that all of our ideas together make an even greater idea than that of our individual thoughts. It's important to be accepting and open to other peoples thoughts because we can very easily learn from them. He is also reiterating the fact that there is always more than one interpretation of something.

    1. I completely agree with you, and I think that in the science world there is so much competition that sadly people will purposefully hide their data to make sure they are given credit for it instead of sharing it for other people to test out as well. If people would be more open about their results I think that huge strides could be made in many different fields of research.

  32. In his quote Darwin states that in order to have a successful experiment/ hypothesis one needs to take into consideration all sides of the argument. In his case this means taking note of contradicting evidence, but in the end this evidence only supports his hypothesis because it shows that no matter how his experiment is looked at, from any viewpoint, it was successful.

    1. Just because an experiment didn't turn out the way it was originally expected to doesn't mean it was a failure. It is important to take into account differences in the outcome to better understand what you are testing. No experiment is a failure.

  33. Darwin's quote shows the importance and significance of a null hypothesis because he acknowledges that by taking in contradictory evidence he is able to broaden his outlook and perspective on things that might otherwise have been restricted. By taking in adverse information we allow ourselves to look at the bigger picture and strengthen any conclusions we might draw in life.

    1. I agree! By hearing what others have to say, we can obtain more information on the topic and become better ad stronger ourselves. It is always beneficial to hear opposing thoughts.

    2. Brittney I agree! In order to show the importance of a null hypothesis one has to take in contradictory information. This will definitely make your conclusions stronger and give a big picture.

  34. Here Darwin is stating that in an experiment even though anticipated data is important to have, because we are humans and are not always able to execute procedures with 100% accuracy there will be times when the data is different from was expected. Thus, the small things on the surface that seem to not affect the results might actually have pretty severe influence. However these changes in the data caused by slight differences in the procedures could turn out to create very interesting results that provide more insight into the experiment than the expected data could have given. It is in human nature to take closer note on unique differences between data than to remember repetitive, uniform data.

    1. I like how you brought up the idea of human or experimental error. Even though at times trivial, these can have a significant affect on the resulting data. No matter how tedious, science and experimentation should involve "checking your work" by repeating procedures until error is negligible. This brings us back to the idea that since Darwin makes "special note" about contradictory evidence, he aims to account for and lessen the effect of error in his results.

  35. Darwin states that in order to fully understand the natural and physical world around us (especially when conducting an experiment), it is important to acknowledge both sides of an opinion or argument. The null hypothesis can help open up new ideas and evoke perspectives that were not considered at first notice. With this in mind, it is important to take into account that although the original hypothesis may have been rejected, the overall conclusion and understanding of the subject matter is stronger and more accurate.

  36. Darwin states that he remembers evidence that contradicts him rather than the evidence that agrees with his statements. Those who contradict him give him constructive criticism, and by doing so, they make Darwin a stronger scientist and make his statements stronger as well. He says that it is always good to hear from those who might not agree with you, sometimes even better than those who do agree with you.

    1. I agree- I think he's assigning special importance to what doesn't support his hypothesis, even though you'd expect the opposite. It definitely comes across that making scientific progress is more important to him than being right.

  37. Nothing is one sided, that's why scientists test their hypothesis and null hypothesis. Darwin is saying how facts or observations that challenge a hypothesis can lead the experiment into a new direction, not necessarily proving it wrong.

    1. I completely agree with this Elizabeth. To recognize all perspectives is the necessary step that must be taken before trying to improve your claims.

  38. I think this quote speaks to Darwin's humbled approach to scientific research as a whole. Naturally, it's easy to accept and retain evidence that supports your hypothesis; it's harder to give contradictory evidence the respect it deserves. Not only does Darwin maintain that scientists must consider every piece of data they gather, but he also seems to suggest that contradictory data deserves more attention than does the expected (since the former requires "special notes", while he trusts himself to remember the latter).

  39. I completely agree with this statement, sometimes you have to listen to what the other side has to say. Even if it contradicts your idea, it could have some validity to it and you could use it to further improve your own idea. As Elizabeth said, nothing in science is one sided, and a good scientist (like Darwin) needs to be able to keep an open mind to the many sides a specific idea could have to it.

    1. Yes, and taking opposing evidence into consideration helps one look deeper into one's own hypothesis. Proving null hypotheses wrong is different than proving a hypothesis to be right.

  40. Darwin is expressing the importance of both supportive and contradictory data. Without being able to acknowledge both sides in fair terms, it is impossible to further expand an hypothesis or any study for that matter. It is simple to discredit contradictory information and shrug of the possibility that your original thought was flawed in some way. Instead of sliding this under the rug it is essential to acknowledge and act upon these seemingly bizarre ideas, to try to incorporate them in some way to create a well-versed hypothesis or argument.

    1. I agree with your statement. It is most definitely easy to believe that only your idea is true, but what makes your argument stronger is knowing the other side and being able to be secure in your hypothesis despite contradicting evidence.

  41. I think that Darwin is talking about the importance of getting many viewpoints, opinions or forms of evidence in order to accurately come to any sort of conclusion. A scientist should consider the evidence that is both for and against the hypothesis... after all, how are they supposed to fully examine something if all they see is one side to it? Any evidence is good, supportive evidence as far as scientific discoveries go, because the more evidence that surfaces, whether it be for or against your hypothesis, the more you find out about the topic, which is what science is all about- looking into and exploring the physical and natural world.

    1. I agree with this response. If there is one piece of evidence that contradicts the hypothesis, then the experimenter should accept the evidence as graciously as he should accept the supporting evidence. If the experimenter only relies on the correct evidence, he will not only be wasting his efforts but he will have an incorrect, biased viewpoint.

  42. Scientists can find it easy to believe evidence that supports their theories, due to the fact that they have biases and want their theory to be correct. The null hypothesis is important to be utilized because it is harder for scientists like Charles Darwin to look objectively and with an open mind on evidence that contradicts his theories. He makes special notes on his evidence in order to thoroughly investigate the contradictory evidence. By investigating contradictory evidence Darwin is able to broaden his view by taking everything into consideration.

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  44. Science isn't the study of an opinion. It is undeniably easier to adhere and select only sources that support one's perspective. However, this method of acting prevents advancement. Darwin like many before him understood this crucial fact of life. He noted that contradictory data required extra attention because unlike the data that supported his viewpoint, this data needed to be analyzed and interpreted further in order to shape his perspective. Thus, Darwin noted that advancement isn't supporting an early conclusion for the sake of adhering to a belief. He noted that advancement in anything, is taking everything and drawing conclusions from that.

    1. That was well said and I agree with you Maha. Just because data is contradicting your hypothesis does not mean you should think less of it. It can still create advances in science.

  45. It is incredibly important for scientists to accept that they may not always be right. Science, and especially experimentation, is all about testing a hypothesis and possibly changing it to fit your results. If we stuck with what we believed to be true, we would never be able to expand our knowledge and progress would be close to impossible.

    1. I agree, I think that any point that is attempted to be made in Science is always more valid when it is known that the scientist has taken into account many other opinions. Not only that,but it will be ultimately much more valid.

    2. I think this was very well put. It is important to remember that we might not alway be right because if we don't we are refusing to see things from all angles which lessons the integrity of our views.

  46. Darwin expresses the importance of being aware of opposing viewpoints, especially in science. These opposing viewpoints or even criticisms can be more useful when conducting an experiment. Also, it is easier to prove an opposing viewpoint wrong. That way, there is a more clear objective and more progress will ultimately be made in science.
    Also, accepting the opposing evidence with a more open mind will lead to more scientific progress. It opens up the options of experiments that can be done and null hypotheses that can be tested (and if fortunate, proved wrong).

  47. I agree with what Darwin has said in this quote. It does not matter if the data is "correct" or "incorrect" in relation to the hypothesis, what matters is that it can contribute to science as a whole. Science is constantly changing through discovery and its progress can only continue if data is analyzed correctly and without bias. This way, humanity can continue pushing its boundaries and keep growing and learning.

    1. I agree with you that science is constantly changing and that it doesn't matter if something is correct or incorrect, it just has to add to science at a whole. I think that that is why Darwin archived so much because he thought out of the box and didn't stop when his hypothesis didn't work out.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree with Vanessa in that science is constantly changing. Science depends on data for this change, both supporting and opposing data. That is why we should take stock of all of it.

  48. This statement shows the importance of having both sides of an argument. Whether data supports or doesn't support your hypothesis, these data are all significant and must be taken note of. In fact, seemingly unsupportive data can open paths to new findings or even a stronger, more specific hypothesis.

    1. I like how you basically are saying is that data shows no bias and all data needs to be taken into account in order to form an unbiased hypothesis.

  49. I feel that acknowledging anything that contradicts yourself is a key component in progressing and perfecting your point. This way, any flaw that was pointed out can be fixed. If the contradicting statement was not valid enough the change your opinion then it at least gives idea as to where you need to make your point clearer so it is more obvious that it is correct. -Alizeh Shamshad

    1. I think you stated this idea in the best and clearest possible way, that "acknowledging anything that contradicts yourself is a key component in progressing and perfecting your point". This was the basis of my comment and i totally agree with you

  50. This quote shows that Darwin was not just interested in if his hypotheses were true or not but he found it really interesting when something happened he didn’t expect. This opened doors for new questions that he could try to figure out.

  51. I not only see Darwin's quote as the importance of acquiring as much available evidence as possible, but also saying that it is important to not have bias when researching. By finding ways to prove yourself wrong, you will only help your research and be able to develop more definitive conclusions.

  52. This quote shows the importance of accepting evidence that is different from your own and taking advantage of it. Even though it can be discouraging if your original hypothesis is proven wrong it can help open your mind to new ideas which will lead to new discoveries. It is important to look at the whole picture of a situation opposed to having a limited mindset.

    1. I agree with you, it is important to look at and accept another opinion even if it is opposite from your own idea.

  53. Darwin is stating the importance of not being biased with evidence. The the point in creating a hypothesis is that you hope it will provide an explanation to the problem, you will most likely not note the evidence that goes against your hypothesis if you believe you are correct. We learn more from opposes us instead of what supports us. Once we start to understand why something does not support us, we can come to a better solution.

  54. Darwin's quote reflects the relationship between evidence and scientists. He said that evidence that supports his proposal is easier to remember because he would use those evidence to support his claim. However, evidence that are against are sometimes dismissed in order to make a claim well supported. I agree with some students who believe about prejudice in science. One sided science will not explain the phenomenas because dismissing important and real contradictory evidence is likely to make the supporting claim inaccurate.

  55. In this quote, darwin shares the secret of being able to prove a point that you make: you have to be able to shoot down opposition. Almost anyone can make a point and proceed to back it up with some sort of evidence, but no matter what they say, the defining factor of whether your point is viewed as right or wrong is if you can disprove the people who say you're wrong logically. If there is no reason to think that something is wrong, most will believe that it is right, and there is no doubt in my mind that this realization contributes to the fact that even today we accept Darwin's theory of evolution as scientific fact.

    1. I completely agree with this statement, because understanding and knowing ones viewpoint make your opposing argument much stronger.

  56. This quote shows that we cannot just accept the evidence that supports our point but we also need to acknowledge the evidence that rejects our hypothesis as well. By recognizing that evidence that contradicts and opposes our point exists, we can further improve our way of thinking about a particular subject. We can correct ourselves and develop a better way of approaching a topic if we take into consideration the points that contradicted us before.

    1. I completely agree with this statement because learning ones mistakes can teach you the most.

  57. Darwin's quote states a useful method to improve ourselves. When people contradict us, we know what our mistakes are. It does not matter if the people who contradict you are right or wrong because we have a different point of view on the same thing. They give us an opportunity to think about what we never thought about in the past. There is no perfect in world. In fact, there is only better. We should learn from each other in order to strengthen our weak points and push ourselves to do better.

  58. Darwin makes a great point recognizing that the contradictory evidence also plays a part in advancing a theory or idea. The contradictory evidence can add further complexity to a scientists idea by identifying their mistake in their hypothesis. However, the supporting evidence triumphs over all evidence because that is the necessary information the scientist wants in order to prove his or her theory.

  59. A person has a natural desire to be correct. This can lead to an inclination to ignore data that opposes your theory. However, it is important to study opposing data because science is a fluid process. It always tries to adapt itself to the data at hand. This data might not support your hypothesis, and in that case it would be advisable to change your theory. However, if you can discredit the data as irrelevant or inaccurate, by all means do so, for it would strengthen your original claim.

  60. Darwin's quote is ultimately stressing the idea that by knowing other peoples oppossing viewpoints you can expand on your own knowledge,but can explain in more depth your reasoning behind your opinions. Additionally, you will have support to back up your opinions and explain why your "side" is "right". The idea not only made Darwin the amazing scientist he was, but it gave him the tools to prove and disprove his viewpoints.
